Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tao & Buddhist Poems

The sages have told that generosity is illuminating.
It erases the limits of yours and mine.
Erasing the limits of yours and mine,
opens the heart
to receive the Tao as one's self.
Everything belongs to the Tao
and is the Tao
from beginningless time until forever.
No one gives to another, it only appears to be so.
The one who receives is the one who gives.
Though there is no profit in offering,
How clean the ego-sense washes away
when one gives without being noticed.
Genuine wisdom is functional.
To know is not enough.
If knowing the 'way' is all you have,
you have nothing.
Until you have woven wisdom into your daily life,
and step-by-step
you are able to access clear understanding
at the exact right moment,
well, you have only knowledge.
And that means you have nothing.
Knowledge applied is wisdom,
and that is the shining light of freedom.
Wisdom applied is insight,
is freedom reaching beyond understanding
what wisdom actually is.

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