Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Fall & A Swim

We woke up at 7:15 and made our way to the pick up point: Africana Hotel. We got picked up by the "Adrift" bus, a white water rafting company, and departed Kampala for Jinja - the source of the Nile. Yassin was our organizer.

Yassin: So once we get off the bus, you'll get suited up and from there form into groups of 8-9. Remember, you have two options: Mild or Wild... Don't be a sissy.

I glanced at Silvia grinning, we clearly had no intention of being "sissies." As Yassin hyped up the excitement and ferocity of the River - including how at one point you can potentially drop off a 10-foot waterfall, on a Class 5 river rapid - Silvia and I turned to each other. "No need to worry" I told her "we have nothing to fear but fear itself!"

I immediately regretted that.

Pulling into the Adrift camp site, I eyed the devilish structure coming into view: with wooden stairs leading up it, the crane like structure extended out over the cliff face toward the opposite bank. The Nile, at least 100 yards below, passed sleepily under the platform.

Silvia: Oh look, Bungee Jumping! That'd be so much fun, wanna see if we can do it?
Me: ... I don't know if we'll have time.
Silvia: Yeah, you're probably right. Shame though.

We got off the bus and wandered down to get briefed. We we're early. Silvia asked if we'd have time to jump. The [] represent my thoughts:

Coordinator: Shouldn't be a problem, let me see if you can cut to the front. [... wonderful]
(He radioed the man on the bridge.)
Coordinator: Yeah, be quick though.
Silvia: Bryan let's go! ["Please God No!"?]
Me: Um... I dunno if I have enough money [I did]
Silvia: That's okay, I'll pay for you! [Damn you Silvia!]

In the end, I could find no rational reason why I shouldn't jump. But even though my mind was still racing for a reason why to protest, there was one thought that rose above all the others: if I didn't do this, I would regret it for the rest of the day - which I had already payed $125 for.

Me: Let me get my money.


A few minutes later the time had come to destroy the hypocrite. Sitting in a chair, I got my legs bound and secured and then I stood up. I hopped forward, staring directly at Silvia as the bridge extended behind her, and then turned left facing the jump point.

Jump Supervisor: Now, I want you to baby step to the edge and stop when your toes are over the edge. Then place your hands above you and hold onto the roof. When I say let now, drop your hands to your side. From there I'm going to count down from three. When I say jump, I want you to jump as far as you can toward that yellow arrow we've painted for you on top of the restaurant & bar.

Jump Supervisor: "Now"

It was a beautiful panorama. A perfectly sunny day with the Nile flowing causally beneath me and green extending to either side of her. I dropped my hands to my sides.

Jump Supervisor: 3

I tore my gaze away from the scene and looked at the stupid yellow arrow. What a dumb color I thought. I lowered my gaze to the crowd of people gathering to watch everyone who jumps... or chickens out. At least 40 pairs, I calculated. My mind was trying to tell me something when I was rudely interrupted.

Jump Supervisor: 2

My Mind: Bryan, you do realize that this will be the most illogical thing I've ever done for you?
Me: You already know I'm fully aware of that.

Jump Supervisor: 1

I looked down.
It was necessary.
I grasped how far I was allowing gravity to take me.
Everything was peaceful.
Then not so silent...

Jump Supervisor: Jump!

My mind played for me a recent memory: "no need to worry" I told her "we have nothing to fear but fear itself."

My legs bent, and I pushed off to dangle with fate.

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